Downtown Redevelopment Plan and Flats Neighbourhood Plan, Medicine Hat, Alberta (2009-2014)
MVH developed a comprehensive Downtown Redevelopment Plan including economics, transportation, urban design, and planning/urban design policies. The Downtown Plan was approved unanimously by City Council in January 2010. MVH has since completed the preliminary public realm design for a major pilot project for one of the Downtown Streets that incorporates unique public art, transformable landscapes, entertainment features, and way finding. The First Avenue “Entertainment Street” design has been built.
MVH also completed the design for the Glanville mixed use site across from City Hall. In addition, MVH supported the completion of the Flats Neighbourhood Redevelopment Plan with detailed infill policy and design guidelines.

The Railtown Area revitalization perspective sketch concept

View of First Avenue Entertainment Street

Glanville Site Mixed Use Development Concept

Flats Neighbourhood Area Redevelopment Plan, (2009-2010) MVH assisted the City of Medicine Hat in completing the plan and developed housing infill guidelines. The housing infill guidelines proposed a variety of housing types that did not affect the feel and character of this established neighbourhood.