Our mission: Create long-term value and complete resilient communities
We develop high quality, resilient environments in urban, suburban, and rural settings that meet the needs of the community, climate change, and local economic development.
The MVH approach
The company specializes in sustainable development planning and design. As professional development planners, urban designers, and landscape architects, MVH covers environmental analysis and project feasibility through to design and approval. The process combines real estate economics, demographics, architecture, engineering, and environmental design specialists into a creative design and planning process. MVH builds hand-picked teams that bring together the right architect, economist, biologist, and engineer to solve the right problem.
People are at the center of the process. A sense of community is in the hands of the people. We use innovative and award-winning community-based design and planning processes to develop plans. In many circumstances, the MVH Team organizes a “Dynamic Urban Design Workshop” (short and intensive design and planning exercise) with the stakeholders to draw out the soul of the community – what it was, is, and wants to be. MVH has developed and implemented similar workshops in Canada, United States, and Russia.
Land stewardship is the foundation. Our respect and harmony with the earth will be our passport to the future. Our firm believes that each site has its past, present, and future capacity for development based on its social, ecological, and economic characteristics. MVH has developed a 160-page handbook called Eco-Plan: Community Ecological Planning and Design that presents the MVH Eco-Plan process and successful case studies.
Real estate economics are the keystone. Thoughtful planning and design normally makes good economic sense. MVH integrates community development economics into each project from the beginning. Existing and future uses, demographic profiles, market potential, costs, incentives, and creative land design are considerations in the evolution of the strategic plan. Michael von Hausen, President of MVH teaches Urban Design Economics at Simon Fraser University and works closely with other experts to obtain the “pulse” of the market and its future potential. The goal is to build value into every project so that the final plan stimulates demand and special recognition in the marketplace.
Cross-functional collaboration and minimum waste! The essence of an excellent plan is the contribution of many ideas and strategic expertise. At MVH we believe in a collaborative approach that brings together a customized team to meet the specific demands of each project. Dividing the project into steps so that adjustments may be made to meet changing demands minimizes project costs.
Action-oriented planning is at the core of our work. Actions speak louder than words. However, actions without thoughtful planning are not far-reaching nor consistent. We believe in implementing cost-effective ideas early in the design and planning process to prove results. Each plan should incorporate an action plan into the document including organization, timing, process, and targets. The action plan should also include a monitoring and evaluation system that continues to improve the plan over time.
About Michael von Hausen
Michael von Hausen is President of MVH Urban Planning & Design Inc., a firm that specializes in sensitive land development planning, resilient urban design, group facilitation, and community partnerships. He brings over 40 years of public and private land development, planning, and design experience from across North America. He uniquely blends planning, design and economics to find sustainable “soft touch” development solutions that balance higher economic, cultural, and climate change gains.
Since graduating from Harvard University in 1980, Mr. von Hausen has continued to combine his professional practice with research and university teaching to develop cutting-edge solutions.
Mr. von Hausen’s professional work has received national and international recognition. He combines this recognition with proven skills in group facilitation, project approvals and management from feasibility through to construction. He holds a Masters degree in Urban Design from Harvard University with a specialty in land development economics. He is a past Director of the Surrey Foundation and a former member of the City of Surrey Urban Design Panel. Michael was the chief instructor and curriculum coordinator of the Urban Design Certificate Program at Simon Fraser University and is adjunct professor in the graduate Urban Studies Program at Simon Fraser University. Michael is also an adjunct professor at Vancouver Island University in the Master of Community Planning Program.
Michael was honored by the Who's Who for Professional and Executives in 2012. He was honoured as a fellow of the Canadian Institute of Planners in 2016—the institute’s highest honour. In 2019, MVH received the Award of Planning Excellence from the Canadian Institute of Planners for the Cowichan Bay Village Vitalization Strategy. In 2020, Michael received the Research and Innovation Award from the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects for his outstanding leadership, research, and academic achievements.
Our clients include cities in Canada, the US, and private development interests in North America, China, Mexico, and Russia.
Michael von Hausen presenting one of the keynote addresses to Chinese National Conference on Healthy Housing
Recent Clients
City of Penticton North Gateway Plan, Penticton, BC.
City of Airdrie Design Guidelines, Airdrie, AB.
City of Castlegar Official Community Plan, Castlegar, BC.
City of Grand Forks Official Community Plan, Grand Forks, BC
District of Hope Downtown Strategies, Hope, BC.
Village of Valemount Official Community Plan, Valemount, British Columbia
City of Fort Saskatchewan, Municipal Development Plan, Fort Saskatchewan, Alberta
Parr Local Area Plan, District of Mission, British Columbia
Deep Bay Southwest Development, Deep Bay, British Columbia
Northeast Clairmont Area Structure Plan, 1349 hectares (3,333 acres) County of Grande Prairie, Grande Prairie, Alberta
St. Albert/Sturgeon County Annexation, St. Albert, Alberta
Tsawwassen First Nation Facilities Planning and Member Benefits Strategies
Full Clients List
Burrard Group
Cambrian Group of Companies, Calgary, Alberta
Canada Lands Company, Vancouver, Ottawa, Halifax
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, Vancouver, B.C., and Calgary, Alberta
Century Holdings Ltd., Delta, British Columbia
Chilliwack Economic Partnership (CEPCO), Chilliwack, British Columbia
City of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta
City of Chilliwack, Chilliwack, British Columbia
City of Coquitlam, Coquitlam, British Columbia
City of Duncan, British Columbia
City of Edmonton, Edmonton, Alberta
City of Fernie, British Columbia
City of Huangshi, China
City of Kelowna, British Columbia
City of Lacombe, Alberta
City of Langley, British Columbia
City of Leduc, Alberta
City of Medicine Hat, Alberta
City of Nanaimo, Nanaimo, British Columbia
City of New Westminster, British Columbia
City of Penticton, British Columbia
City of Phoenix, Arizona
City of Red Deer, Alberta
City of Regina, Saskatchewan
City of Richmond, British Columbia
City of Vancouver, British Columbia
City of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia
City of White Rock, British Columbia
City of Delta, British Columbia
Dalta-Vostok-1 Co., Vladivostok, Russia
District Municipality of North Cowichan, British Columbia
District of Hope, British Columbia
District of Mission, British Columbia
District of North Vancouver, British Columbia
District of Summerland, British Columbia
Elita Development Co., Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Land and Water British Columbia, Surrey, British Columbia
MD of Foothills, Alberta
Metro Vancouver, Burnaby, British Columbia
Ministry of Land, Water, and Air Protection, Nanaimo, Province of British Columbia
Mountainview Credit Union, Olds, Alberta
National Recreation and Parks Association, Seattle, Washington
Red Deer County, Alberta
Rocky View County, Calgary, Alberta
ROYOP Development Corporation, Calgary, Alberta
Sacbe Developments, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico
Saskatchewan Housing Corporation, Regina, Saskatchewan
Shape Development Corp., Vancouver, British Columbia
Spruce Meadows, Calgary, Alberta
Squiala First Nations, Chilliwack, British Columbia
Star of the Sea Parish, Surrey, British Columbia
Strathcona County, Alberta
Sturgeon County, Alberta
T & T Properties, Calgary, Alberta
Taku River Tlingit First Nations, Atlin, British Columbia
Templeton Properties, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Town of Amherst, Nova Scotia
Town of Chestermere, Alberta
Town of Cochrane, Alberta
Town of Gibsons, British Columbia
Town of High River, Alberta
Town of Ladysmith, British Columbia
Town of Lake Cowichan, British Columbia
Township of Langley, British Columbia
Trillium Real Estate Advisors, Calgary, Alberta
Tsawwassen First Nation (Delta, British Columbia)
Urban Development Institute, Pacific Region and Alberta, Vancouver and Edmonton
Vancouver Heritage Foundation, Vancouver, British Columbia
Village of Pemberton, British Columbia
Westerner Exhibition Park, Red Deer, Alberta
Weyerhaeuser Company Limited, Vancouver, British Columbia
Whistler Rainbow Properties Ltd., Whistler, British Columbia
What clients say about us
"MVH was a key player in the overall planning, public consultations, and success with municipal approvals for Garrison Crossing."
~ Randy Fasan, Director of Urban Design & Planning, Canada Lands Company, Vancouver, BC
"Michael von Hausen has been a delight to work with as our City has developed our "Vision for the Future". His inspirational leadership and creative thinking challenged us to think out of the box while still staying focused on the economic realities. I can not think of anyone I would rather have had as a partner in developing our visionary plans."
~ Former Mayor Peter Fassbender, City of Langley, BC (Minister of Education, Province of British Columbia)
“ Michael and his team brings that perfect, and now incredibly necessary, blend of creativity and economic reality to every project they undertake.”
~ Harry Harker, MCIP, Former Town Manager, High River, Alberta
" To my mind the essential component of Michael's work is how he engages community - humor, validation of THEIR sense of place, resulting in a product in which citizens have a sense of ownership, guardianship and incredible pride."
~ Hopeton A.Louden, Former Deputy Reeve , Councillor Division 8, Rocky View MD, Alberta
“Michael is an exceptional planner and landscape architect. He blends the two disciplines in a way unmatched by most of his peers. He is astute, analytic, and thorough. He has a very good knowledge of government and private sector planning matters.”
~ David Witty, PhD, FCIP, Dean of Architecture, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
“MVH did a great job on the Lower Twelfth Street Area Plan. It was a smooth process with innovative results.”
~ John Hopkins, Planner and Project Manager, Lower Twelfth Street Area Plan, City of New Westminster, BC
"MVH was instrumental in building the partnerships and maintaining the momentum and enthusiasm throughout the project."
~ Ken Bennett, Project Manager, Maplewood Project, District of North Vancouver, BC
"Michael's exceptional facilitation skills enabled us to galvanize political and community support for our Downtown Master Plan. Michael's enthusiasm is contagious!"
~ Gerald Minchuk, Director of Development Services and Economic Development, City of Langley, Langley, BC
Papers and presentations
University of the Fraser Valley, October 2024, "Climate Resilient Design".
University of the Fraser Valley, December 2024, "Housing Policy Design Impacts".
City of Maple Ridge , November 2023 to February 2024; Place-Making, Urban Design, Policy Framework, Downtown Design, and Green Infrastructure (5 separate training seminars).
Planning Institute of BC, June 2023, "Every Village Needs A Square" Workshop.
Planning Institute of BC, June 2023, "Innovations in Rural Official Community Plans" .
City of Ottawa, Regional Speaker Series, May 2022, "Public Realm: The Next Generation".
Ontario Professional Planners Institute, June 2022, "Public Realm Workshop".
Canadian Institute of Planner, National Conference, November 2020, ‘Healthy Communities/Healthy Downtowns with David Witty.
Ontario Association of Landscape Architects, Annual Conference, May 2020, ‘Small Is Big for the Future of Small to Medium-Size Downtowns.’
District of Saanich, “Designing Healthy Urban Centres.” Inspiration speaker to kick-off urban centre design and planning. Saanich, B.C., January 2017.
City Summit, “Great City Future: Taking Your City to the Next Level.” Keynote address. City of Fredericton New Brunswick, October 2016.
8th Forum of Theory and Practice on Healthy Housing, “Designing Healthy Communities Worldwide”. Keynote address. Beijing, China, June 2016.
Alberta Professional Planners Institute, “Growing In and Growing Up”. Workshop for Annual Conference. Jasper, Alberta, October 2016.
Queen’ University Public Lecture, “People Centre: Designing Next Generation Complete Communities”, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, January 2015.
Real Property Institute of Canada, “The Value Edge Potential: Urban Design in Civic Development Projects”, RPIC National Workshop Keynote Address, Ottawa, Ontario, November 2014.
Urban Land Institute, “Vancouver as a Laboratory”, Moderator for panel discussion, Urban Land Institute Spring Convention, Vancouver, April 2014.
Building Sustainable Communities Conference Keynote, "Actualzing Plan: 5 Rules for Over-Delivering on Results", Kelowna BC, November 2013.
World Urban Forum Presentation,"Healing Communities - The Next Generation", Naples, Italy, September 2012.
Community Planners Association of Alberta Annual Conference Keynote Address, "Dynamic Complete Communities", Red Deer, Alberta, April 2012.
National Seminar on Design and Planning for Sustainable Habitat Background Paper, "Learning from Vancouver", EF-1.15-EF-1.31 published by the International Development Research Centre, Centre for Sustainable Habitat, Human Settlement Management Institute and Housing and Urban Development Corporation, New Delhi, India, July 2011.
Economic Association of BC 2011 Annual Conference, Presentation with the Mayor of the City of Langley, "Dynamic Pedestrian Magnets: Learning from New Main Streets", Langley, BC, June 2011.
FortisBC Energy Solutions Conference Keynote address, "Energy as Catalyst", Parksville, BC, April 2011.
FortisBC Energy Solutions Conference Keynote address, "Commodity to Community: Energy as a Catalyst to Advance Change", Whistler, BC, September 2010.
Ottawa Forum Keynote Speaker, "Vancouverisms in Ottawa", Ottawa, Ontario, May 2011.
BC Society of Landscape Architects Annual Conference Presentation, "Urban Design Revolution: Voids in the Practice of Bigger Place-Making", North Vancouver, BC, May 2011.
Parksville Chamber of Commerce, Guest Speaker, "Downtown Parksville – Centre First", Parksville, BC, September 2010.
Urban Development Institute of Alberta Annual Conference Facilitator and Presenter, "Innovations in Sustainable Development", Calgary, Alberta, April 2010.
B.C. Land Summit, Presentation, "Learning from New Main Streets: Mixing It Up and Creating Great Sustainable Community Hearts", Whistler, BC, May 2009.
Alberta Development Officers Association Annual Conference, Keynote Speaker, "Downtown Renaissance", City of Red Deer, Alberta, September 2009.
Nova Scotia Planning Directors Conference, Keynote Speaker, "Downtowns Renaissance", Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2009.
Nova Scotia Planning Directors Conference, Professional Training Workshop, "ACT PLAN", "GATEWAYS", Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2009.
Town of Amherst, Downtown Workshops, Amhurst, Nova Scotia, May 2009.
Urban Development Institute Alberta, Conference Speaker Sustainable Developments, Edmonton, Alberta, April 2009.
MD of Rocky View, Commercial Development Potential, Public Lecture, Calgary Zoo, Calgary, Alberta, May 2008.
National Radio Spokesperson, Guest on CBC Radio “IDEAS” aired January 2005 on “Designing Complete Communities in Western Canada”. Michael has also spoken on CBC Radio on “Green Infrastructure” and sustainability in 2004 as well as about Downtown Revitalization in 2007.
Western Infrastructure Conference, “Sustainable Development in Vancouver’s North False Creek” Calgary, Alberta, November 2006.
Alberta Institute of Planners, “Effective Visual Communications Workshop”, Lake Louise, Alberta October 2006.
Real Estate Institute of BC Annual Conference, presentation: “Innovative Rurban Tools for Rural and Resort Development”, Nelson, BC., September 2005.
Canadian Institute of Planners National Conference, presentation: “100 Year Vision for Midtown Calgary”, Calgary, Alberta, July 2005.
Value-Added Urban Design for Prairie Cities, presentation to senior management, City of Regina, June 2005.
Green Building Seminar, Kelowna, BC: Green Building seminar presenter, March 2005.
"Implementation Case Study - the Lower Twelfth Street Area Plan", Planning Institute of British Columbia Annual Conference, Victoria, B.C., April 2005.
Environmental Design Research Association National Conference, Vancouver, (EDRA):
panel coordinator on Green Cities and Eco-Benefits, April 2005."Calgary Midtown - Actively Shaping a 100 - Year Vision" von Hausen, M. et al, Plan Canada, pgs. 46-49, Spring 2005.
CBC Radio "Ideas" guest speaker on "Complete Communities" in Calgary, Alberta, October 2004 and aired on CBC radio in January 2005
Shanghai Land Company, “Sustainable Urban Landscapes”, Shanghai, China, May 2006.
"Real Estate Economics in Urban Design: Civic Economics Role in Place-Making" von Hausen, M., September 2004.
Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Calgary Seminar on Downtown Intensification in Vancouver, B.C., October 2004.