North Ruckle Park Design, City of Grand Forks, BC (2021-2022)

As a result of the recurring flood impacts on the North Ruckle Neighbourhood, MVH was retained to work with the city, Associated Engineering, the BC Wildlife Federation, and the community to develop the site into a recreation and wildlife park that could be resilient to partial flooding almost every two years. The design and planning process was complicated by the flooding characteristics and the goal of providing fish habitat compensation on the site. Working with specialized engineers and wildlife professionals, MVH and associated consultants developed a program that met the desired community programming needs within restrictive design criteria. Recognition of the histories of the site was also important in sculpting the feature design areas of the site and interconnecting them through a nature trails, pathways, and dike trails.



Grand Forks Official Community Plan, City of Grand Forks, BC (2020-2022)


Valemount Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, Village of Valemount (2020-2021)