Garrison Crossing, Chilliwack, BC (2002-2012)
Great master plans make great communities.
MVH was responsible for the Neighbourhood Plan and approvals for Garrison Crossing beginning in 2002. MVH was part of an interdisciplinary team directed by the Canada Lands Company. This 60-hectare (150 acre) site was part of the former Canadian Forces Base Chilliwack closed in 1997. In many cases, this type of site would be cleared of the 450 permanent married quarters (PMQs) and then reconfigured with single-family houses. Instead, our team took a somewhat contrarian approach and largely conserved the housing units, trees, and even the road patterns. We infilled the community with a diversity and choice of housing, where today five times the original density resulted in a unique and sought-after community.
The renaissance of Garrison Crossing was a roaring success with phases pre-selling and still today it is infilling higher density residential development (up to six stories) adjoining the village centre. Garrison Crossing is one of the first LEED Certified Neighbourhoods in Canada and has won numerous awards, including the Urban Development Institute’s coveted Master Planned Community of the year. It is seen by many as one of the premium neighbourhoods in Chilliwack and continues to attract residents who are looking for a community where services, schools, and recreation are within a pleasant five to ten-minute walk.
Many features in Garrison Crossing embrace the idea of creating a great sense of community. The first sketch by MVH from the Neighbourhood Plan (above) illustrates the concept of bringing the houses close to the street with front porches and retaining the existing trees where possible.
The resulting built streetscape photograph (above) mirrors those intentions with broad and functional front porches and rear access for cars – emphasizing the pedestrian and bicycle friendly nature of the community.
Early diagrams and land use concepts by MVH
Garrison Crossing Master Plan
Village Centre mixed use area.
Coach house on a back lane.
A low-rise residential building with colour, articulation, and character that fits seamlessly into a convenient and diverse community.
Single family housing fronting on central park and townhomes.
Low-rise blocks at Garrison Crossing create an exciting variety of building forms and residents.