Cadboro Bay, District of Saanich, BC (2018 - 2019)
Proposed Village Plan that encourages consideration for the inclusion of “gentle” density that invites further compact development and enhancements to the streetscape and adjoining uses (sketch and plan by Cal Srigley and Kim Perry)
The District of Saanich engaged MVH Urban Design & Planning to work with them to first do the Village Plan and Design Guidelines near the University of Victoria on Vancouver Island. Then the District of Saanich retained MVH to support the Area Plan after the success of the first project. MVH facilitated all the sessions with the community and engaged the leaders in walks and talks. Two well-organized Design Charrettes actively engaged the community and leaders in sensitive conversations that ranged from, height and character of new infill commercial and residential development, to street safety improvements.
The MVH team developed slide presentations, sketches and final illustrations for the District of Saanich. Then developed design guidelines that addressed form, character, use, public realm, planting, and other elements that needed clear direction.

Cadboro Bay Village

Redevelopment studies of the Cadboro Bay Village to examine the potential for more commercial uses and residential development without compromising the small scale character of the area (sketches by Cal Srigley)

Redevelopment studies and intersection upgrades